A Little Background

We designed and built our cattery in 2002 after looking at many existing catteries and deciding that they were not what we were really looking for. We wanted something that cats would be happy staying in while their owners were away, something that we would also want to spend time in.

Cattery Entrance

We felt that the weather in this beautiful part of North Cornwall dictated a different style of cattery, one where the very wet and very windy conditions would not affect the cats (or us). The runs, therefore, had to be covered but with a view to the outside, the sleeping areas inside a building in the warm and up high so they could look down on us mere mortals and avoid draughts. We wanted to be able to sit with the cats in comfort and go about our activities in the warm.

On the health side, all surfaces also had to be easy to keep clean and disinfected. The design you see today is the result of those specifications. Our visiting cats can spend time snuggled in their beds in the centrally heated interior or, if feeling energetic, can sit in their covered outside runs enjoying the fresh air and sunshine without getting wet on rainy days. Full height safety glass barriers ensure that they can see their neighbours but not come into contact with them.

Side view of cattery

The Cattery is within the grounds of our bungalow which means we are always on hand, especially important for cats coming into a cattery for the first time or for elderly cats and kittens.